The number of different emojis is ridiculous.
On this particular occasion it worked and was amusing but, at the same time, I have to wonder about the state of the World today: whenever I see a new one and investigate how to create it on the various platforms, by the time I’m done, the contortions one has to go to to even find them lead me to the conclusion that I live in a world of idiots-savants … because the cognitive load required to even find, let alone remember, the various codes for them all is ridiculous — seriously, I couldn’t be bothered to make enough effort to even wonder if there were an emoji for :monocled_mutineer (or whatever one I stumble across the next time) … never mind commit its code/label to memory … even if I didn’t have a brainfull of genuinely useful knowledge that needed committing to memory on a daily basis.
For the longest time, the state of people’s grammar, spelling, etc. disturbed me on the basis that they were so random that, before very much longer, we were going to find ourselves reading and writing Chaucerian English with both of them optional and entirely at the whim of the author. These days, I wonder how long it will be before we’re all speaking fucking Egyptian *sigh*