Dear Prudence
Learn fucking Latin!
Actually, no … because it no longer counts as Latin per se but is, rather, a Latin word used in other languages … a ‘borrowed’ or ‘lent’ word as such are sometimes known … please learn to speak whichever language you like, but whichever language it is, speak it properly!
So, if you are a girl, or a woman, please do yourself … and the rest of us who would like to have at least some idea of what you are talking about by means of a shared language in which the words mean the same (or pretty much the same) thing to both/all of us … a favour and learn something about female anatomy.
I know … ironic, huh?
Because what you will see, below, are emojis designed to look like the vulva … and not the vagina.
If you think that any of them look like a vagina, please speak to a gynaecologist.
If your gynaecologist thinks they look like vaginas … change your gynaecologist ¹.
As an aside … I’d just like to ask why.
Really … why?
Why is there a need for this emoji?
If you are talking to anyone about your private parts they are either
- already intimately acquainted with them and you can just use the word that feels appropriate, send them a photo of your axe-wound … whatever.
- a medical practitioner of some kind (maybe even a gynaecologist) and they are not going to be impressed by your ‘ruptured eggplant with a half-shelled horse-chestnut jammed in there’ … they’re going to want some more specific … and technical ... detail with which to work (possibly even, in this day and age, a photo).
But in no fucking world is there call for a fucking emoji for it!
Just because a thing can be done, that doesn’t mean it should be done — otherwise I think someone should look into designing an emoji for “paedophile anal penetration” or even “consensual father/daughter incest” … for example.
Learn … to speak!
Any language … I don’t care which — I can always make use of a foreign language dictionary if necessary.
But learn how to speak with words … before we’re all reduced to grunts and squeals … or swapping pictures via text.
Because I have no idea what you said there but, if your hovercraft is full of eels, maybe you should see a gynaecologist rather than telling me about it!
¹ They may not even be a gynaecologist but the janitor seeing how much he can get away with.