You really have brought the whackjobs out from under their rocks with this one, haven't you?
Where do they all come from?
There was some moron burbling on about people needing to read their history if they thought the KKK was right wing because ‘actually’ it was an offshoot of the Democrats. Even if that is true … and not simply BS they’re (typically mindlessly) repeating … as a European, I have to say that anyone who thinks there ever even has been a left wing in the US is laughably ignorant of just about the entirety of History itself. The Democrats are not … and never have been … left wing. In the US, you have the choice between hard right and extreme right parties: hard right-wing capitalists and radical libertarian capitalists — no, Sanders is not a socialist … he’s a noticably-right-of-centre social democrat who’d fit right in (pun not intended) with a lot of conservatives here in Europe.