Yeah … I laughed hollowly as well — I can’t decide whether the whole shitshow is a (literary ‘Greek’) tragedy, a farce … or both.
I can’t say I’ll be unequivocally alright because I can claim a second nationality — if we leave, it’s gonna be at least ten years before things even start to take shape again and whether I will be able draw my British pension in another country … never mind get healthcare … when (if) I finally get to retire is anybody’s guess.
But … if worst comes to worst and it looks like the choice of working until I drop in a civilised, First World country is better than remaining in a ‘Singapore On Sea’ banana-republic-in-all-but-name as a retiree then, ironically, at least I’ll have the choice of becoming a Leaver in that I’ll be in a position to leave the UK.
I hate to think what will happen to all those who won’t have that option though — anyone who thinks that ‘plucky, little Britain’ … with its ‘spirit of the Blitz’ … will be able to make any headway in a world ruled by powers such as China, the US, the EU and … yet to come but likely on its way in the not too distant future … India, is living in the kind of delusion that, under other circumstances, would see them locked up for their own safety.
Some Leavers go on about how it’s not all about the money and, truly, I understand that … even agree with the basic philosophy behind it … but short of a worldwide revolution that sees the entire human race turning our backs on Monetarism, I don’t see how they expect their humanitarian utopia to be built so long as they keep returning the likes of the post-Thatcher Rand-ian libertarians to power — the cognitive dissonance of people is astounding: the very people the ‘plucky’ Little Englanders look to to lead them to a life of wine, women and song on the high seas as buccaneers aboard HMS Crimson Permanent Assurance ¹ are getting themselves foreign passports, moving their assets to the EU, advising their clients not to invest in the UK and, if we but knew it, the likes of Rees Mogg have probably been patriotically shorting the Pound for the last two years with the intent of making a killing in the Disaster Capitalism shitstorm to come.
The Scandinavian model would be an ideal compromise but I don’t see how we would fund it, even if people were willing to pay that much in tax to begin with — and, unfortunately, many don’t have the wherewithal to do so even if they were willing … precisely because they keep voting them in.
It shouldn’t all be about the Economy but, sadly, short of that worldwide revolution happening, it is and always will be — Maslow’s hierarchy of needs makes that more than abundantly clear.
Yeah … I laughed too.
Utterly mirthlessly 😒
¹ …