Wouldn't it be ironic, if it turned out they were right to have faith in God
... because the Coronavirus was sent by Him to cull the stupid, who don't believe in Science?
I mean ... bad guys don't usually realise they are the bad guys, do they?
They're usually convinced they're the good guys and God is, therefore, on their side.
So, it'd be ironic, if there were a God and, having grown tired of their continued presence on the face of His creation, He decided to cull them all on the grounds that, having made us in His image and, therefore, given us the brains with which to
1. understand the (scientific) principles underpinning Creation
2. appreciate that the existence of an almighty creator does not preclude the realities of Science
... they are denying Him.
There is after all the parable of the talents in the Bible ... and it's a sin to waste them, so refusing to use one's brain and denying Science would, in His eyes, make them greater sinners than atheists: atheists are simply lost sheep and can be saved, if they accept Him ... whereas those denying His gift of intelligence are denying Him ... which is ... iirc ... the sin that caused the fall of Lucifer.
So, as followers in Satan's footsteps, at least 55% of Republicans (and all Science deniers everywhere) are opposed to God and, as the legions of Hell, must be purged.
Hence Covid.
Covid is God's way of saying "No less than fifty-five percent of Republicans are irredeemably evil and I shall smite them and cast hem down into the fiery depths of Hell, where they shall burn for all Eternity."
It is His will that only the righteous, who believe in Science and get vaccinated, shall be saved.
Whether they are angels of the Lord, or demons from Hell, one way and another, Carlson, Boebert, Taylor-Greene, Cawthorn, et al are doing God's work
... guiding the bad guys to their rightful destination below.