I’m afraid my answers are not so academic.
Who said they had to be?
I’m an artist myself,
And there we are … we’re already into the question of what decides who may (or may not) call themself an artist — that’s pretty academic already … perhaps you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss yourself 😀
I love Art, in any form and I’m no-one to judge other artists art.
And yet … the moment we decide we like (or don’t) some art, we’re judging it, are we not?
Besides, you could say that Poetry is purely conceptual, no?
I’d argue … and have done … that all art is conceptual, so you’ll get no counterargument from me there.
But what about it strikes you as conceptual?
How do you consider your writing or your music?
My writing?
Hmmmmm … language is inherently conceptual, I think — it’s a way to manipulate concepts and transmit them to others … to put our thoughts in their minds.
But, yes, I play with it specifically … from wordgames, puns, innuendo (innuendi?) to more abstract stuff (as here) — not a little of it concerns language per se rather than, as you, using it to paint pictures (although I done that on occasion too).
Music … that’s a more physical (I’m a dancer) and emotional thing for me than conceptual — I don’t think it, but feel it (although there is a lot of very abstract thinking has to go into it’s creation).