When I first started reading it, before attempting to comment, I didn’t know I was going to have to authorise various elements (CSS, images, scripts, XHR elements and frames) of the PS. I Love You experience, so it ended thusly …
When I find myself
through the night,
filled with
| hatred,
|| pain,
||| sorrow,
|||| confusion,
||||| guilt,
the only way I’ve found
to fall back asleep
is to…
… which seemed like a call to reply with what approaches the reader applies (successfully or not) to the problem.
I’m not saying I don’t like the full version, as subsequently revealed by PS. I Love You, but I might’ve preferred my version: I’ve been having horrendous sleep problems for around a year now and, whilst I don’t think they’re due to my hating myself, would very much like to see a list of things I might try in order to bring myself back to a pattern of sleep that isn’t two hours’ asleep, four awake, six-to-eight asleep, twelve awake, four-or-five asleep, twenty awake, three-or-four asleep, ten awake, four asleep, eight awake, three asleep, eighteen awake, three asleep, fourteen awake, three asleep, eight awake, four asleep, twelve awake, two asleep, twenty-six awake … you get the idea.
It’s playing havoc with my senses of time and purpose.