Well, there are alternative approaches …
… but they require the intervention of a trusted intermediary or two.
Some services can be paid for in the U.S. by means of gift vouchers that you obtain from an altogether different service provider — so, there’s no link to your bank account.
Alternatively … again, in the U.S. … you can use PayPal Cash to top up a PayPal account.
Both approaches require you to go through someone who lives in the U.S., but they can use the first method to pay for the service directly on your behalf or (in the case of PayPal Cash) to top up an account held in the name of your choice.
Ideally you’d go through an intermediary with a contact in the U.S., thus putting yourself at a remove from your proxy there.
But you need to be aware that such activity is characteristic of money-laundering and you might, ironically, end up being closely scrutinised as a result — which is not really a problem for those of who are only interested in ensuring that the inevitable breaches of the service providers’ security doesn’t result in criminal ne’erdowells getting hold of our identities and selling them to the lowest bidder on the Darkweb, but if you have a reason to wish to avoid government interest (like you’re a journalist living under an oppressive regime) you might want to stop and think about it before you go ahead.