Perhaps the only genuinely honest element of that interview ... truthful in that it naively betrays itself rather than being a carefully edited highlight (a candid family photo rather than a photoshopped publicity pic) … is the description of the motivation for helping the old lady across the road. It’s a glib description that belies a truly monstrous reality: other people are props … objects — if the woman he wanted to impress hadn’t been there, would he have helped the old lady? I’m pretty sure we both know the answer to that.
The common theme of the Cluster B disorders is narcissism. The problem with the human race is narcissism; vanity, egocentrism … call it what you will, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet … and it drives everything else that is wrong with it:
NPD: all that matters is me.
HPD: look at me!
B(l)PD: you don’t care about me!
A(s)PD/Sociopathy/Psychopathy: all I care about is me.
Paranoia: you’re talking about me!
Neuroticism: you don’t like me!
Greed: I want it all!
Jealousy: I want you to want only me!
Laziness: I don’t want (to)!
You name it, if it’s ugly and nasty, you can bet your bottom dollar that the root cause of it is an obsession with the self.
Narcissism … the love of the self … not the love of money … is the root of all evil.