They’re both potentially significantly life-changing.
One I would have to give up my current lifestyle for.
In return, however, if it all panned out, I could well end up disrupting the world of business and finance in a manner as great as did the steam engine in its day … (it really is potentially that big a game-changer) … and own it.
The other would require me to give up all but the music and pray to all the powers there be that the bottom not drop out of the particular scene I were part of before I’d had a chance to wring from it what I could … because, afterwards, I’d have no future career options left available to me — and there are, maybe five to ten years left in it.
In return, however, I’d be making obscene amounts of money for those five to ten years.
But … as I said to Arona … there’s no guarantee I’ll get either of them: they’re opportunities, not cast-iron certainties and although I’m running after both of them with fervour, what, if anything, actually comes of them does not lie solely within my power.
Albeit they have invited me to the party, someone else has to decide to open the door at which I knock when I get there … and people are fickle. I could be back here next week and both dreams turned to dust already — it wouldn’t be the first time.