That’s just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, I’m afraid.
The problem is the existence of political parties at all. They aren’t even undemocratic but outright antidemocratic — how can you rely upon someone to represent your interests when they’re under pressure to conform to groupthink?
Get rid of them.
Vote for local representatives who then … wait for it … represent their constituents in the chamber(s).
What’s needed isn’t strong but effective government. And you don’t need political parties for that …
Representatives enter the chamber, vote on a piece of legislation, which is then passed into legislation or it isn’t. They then vote on the candidates who present themselves with a view to working on that legislation which is passed and a timescale after which those elected to enact it will come back with progress report and a vote taken on whether it is complete or needs further work.
In the meantime, the next proposal is put up for vote and the process repeats itself until either there are no more proposals or else there is nobody free to work on any new ones.
That way, people don’t get caught up in party infighting over what direction to take, or fights between parties over what direction to prevent the others taking. Instead, representatives … answerable to no-one but their constituents … just get on with the business of representing their interests and everyone simply gets on with the business of actually running the country.
No political parties!