Let me direct you to the tag that says “fiction” at the bottom of the page, sir.
That tag does not, in any way, forewarn the putative reader that the content of said fiction will induce PTSD!
¹ Which would normally be italicized for added disdain, but I can’t do any text formatting in this new response scheme. Nor can I @Medium_Support.
You have to click on the ellipses and opt to Make this response a story.
Then you have to hit the [ENTER] key to stop your first words being a title.
After that, Bob’s your auntie’s live-in lover.
² Since I know you liked it; otherwise, you wouldn’t have left a public commentᵃ for all the world to see.
Damn … rumbled.
A third of my allowance, to be precise.
I’d read more but, since you went commercial and started prostituting your art for filthy lucre, well …
ᵃ Rather than haranguing me via private notes.
I never harangue you via private notes — I offer grammatical corrections and constructive criticism,
³ Coming soon.
Not at half-mast you won’t be.