So, I looked up ‘bokeh’.
There’s a reason for that: I can never remember what the Hell it means.
There’s a reason for that too: it’s insignificant and, therefore, not worth remembering.
The “aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens”?
Pseud alert!
Pseud alert!
What they mean is that “the camera lens is cheap and can’t keep everything in focus, but I’m a narcissist and think other people are as fascinated by me as I am myself, so, I’m going to make a fuss about it and pretend that I like it.”
It’s a form of false-modesty, fake-complaining … drawing attention to one’s own flaws in the hope of being told “you’re too modest”.
Bokeh effect … what a load of crap.
It’s not music … it doesn’t matter if the uninteresting stuff around the edges is out of focus — unlike audio material, it won’t negatively affect the focus of attention in any way, nor is it a form of visual reverb or delay that anyone will ever notice except for the aforementioned pseuds.
Seriously …
The above is mere affectation — the desired focus can be achieved in post production by simply taking the significant material and cropping the rest.
This …
… is achieved by shooting something out of focus — it’s not a bokeh ‘effect’ …you just need glasses.
And the below is simply evidence that you have no talent whatsoever as a photographer and should get a job … and/or need to see an optician … because even I could take a better photo of a donut than that!