You just do it to upset me, don't you?
As if I didn't have enough on my plate trying to work how, for the love of God, to persuade bash to process \'n' in a variable containing the contents of a file of five lines of text: it doesn't matter what substitutions I try ... with or without backquotes ... echoing the variable just presents me with seeming spaces and, whilst sed and awk are happy to present it to me with the newline characters in place, they will not, no matter what I try, strip anything after the first — so, all I end up with is the first word stripped from the first line (which is what I want) followed by eveything after the first line (which isn't).
And this is after I spent the day fruitlessly trying to solve a problem only to realsie, after some eight hours, that it was a waste of time, because, thanks to some clever scripting I did along the way, I'd actually solved my problem about five hours previously ... I'd just been so caught up in debugging my script that hadn't noticed what I was doing was trying to solve the same problem in two different ways simultaneously and had already succeeded *sigh*
So, I am not in the mood to be toyed with, ̶w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ you freak.
¡No me juguetes!
I am semiambidextrous thanks to Bil Gates and Steve Jobs taking my full ambidexterity from me.
You are not ambidextrous (semi or otherwise), you are an unnatural freak of Nature ... and no amount of spin or PR is going to change that. Now ... back in your attic with you. How did you escape again anyway (haven't you got some rice grains that need counting?) — quick, quick ... before the rats eat them all and you die of unrequited curiosity! 😜