Where Angels Fear
3 min readSep 11, 2017


Seasonal Sojourn

Whilst in pursuit of my filial ¹ duties in the land that Time forgot ², I made it known that it would be necessary for me to return, albeit briefly, to the First World ³.

My pronouncement was met with howls of protestation and dire prognostication: rain would extinguish trains’ fireboxes, wind would overturn carriages, horses would throw their riders — the End of Times, witches abroad, the Devil driving, women wearing trousers, eyes melting, skin exploding, everybody dead.

Despite being made of sterner, less credulous stuff, however, I thought it best to humour my country cousins lest, in their superstitious dread, they fall prey to paroxysm and require the untimely attendance of the dead cart.

I arose, therefore, earlier than I might have liked , to assay the rectitude of their meteorological forebodings — for does the vulgar man or woman not have, when all is said and done, in their very soul, an uncannily synergic relation with the ways of Nature and her Elements and might one not, therefore, be well advised to heed their dread trepidations?

As I suspected, grey though the Heavens were, there was nary a hint of the balefully foretold Armageddon and, at a civilised time, I strode confidently forth to embark upon my journey.

The city, naturally, welcomed me back unto her bosom with, for the season, clement demeanour and my business there was completed in timely and unperturbed manner.

I returned, once more, to the wilds of the country-side; enjoying the opportunity to while the interval in perusal of one of the broadsheets and acquaint myself with the civilised world’s affairs of the day.

Upon my arrival, a mere four or so hours after my departure, it was to step off the platform into the most impertinent weather it has been my misfortune to witness in many a long year!

In no time at all, despite being more than adequately attired for even the worst that might be expected of it by any inhabitant of Civilisation, I was soaked through; and the attempt to light my ‘gasper’ was all but in vain.

That one should be subject to such a state of affairs in this day and age is beyond incomprehensible and the experience has merely served to affirm my resolve to set foot beyond Zone 2 as infrequently as may be arranged; at least until the tempering influence of the Modern World might reach further than it currently does.

Meanwhile, my prayers shall be with the unfortunate souls obliged to make the best of their wretched lot by calling the hellish realm they inhabit home; and for my own deliverance upon the cessation of the festivities of the Season.

¹ http://bit.ly/OZWdvx

² Zone 3

³ Zone 2


⁵ Not least because my sleep was interrupted by untimely alarum at the very apex of the Oneiroi’s nightly visitation

⁶ I’ll come around and scroll for you as well, shall I?


⁸ Shorts, T-shirt and temperate combat dress jacket

[Further Reading]



Where Angels Fear

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.