Roe Roe Roe Your Gravy-Boat Gently Down The … Eeeewwww!!!
Every once in a while, I see something in passing and am … for one reason or another and in one way or another … motivated to comment upon it.
Unless it was particularly significant, however … and/or someone replies … I can have forgotten about it as few as five minutes later, as I busied myself with other (more significant, or at least distracting) things.
So, every so often, something I had completely forgotten about is brought to my attention by someone else applauding for, or commenting upon, it at a later time.
And, every once in a while (even though I’m obliged to say so myself, E. Scott Alighieri), it turns out that whatever it was was actually quite educational/entertaining/elucidating/whatever.
I have to say I think the below was pretty inspired … given that it was very obviously an impromptu, off-the-cuff thing:
As it is both surreal and (rather appropriately ¹) distasteful, it’s definitely one for E. Scott Alighieri
¹ My subconscious moves in mysterious ways.