Where Angels Fear
17 min readJun 15, 2019

Reader’s Digest


So: backingup oldone priorto repurposing.

Result: reviewing lotof stuff should’ve dealtwith longsince.

Plusside: stumbledupon forgottenstuff.

Right … that’s enough channeling Jack Womack for now.

The last eighteen months, or so, my ‘leisure’ reading hasn’t been as wide-ranging as usual and has, instead, consisted primarily of Brexit/Trump/similar.

The reasons for this are:

  1. Well, duh.
  2. I was experimenting with a different configuration in my feedreader, which meant I didn’t get my usual daily mix of articles but categorised them by topic instead and, as a result, didn’t read a lot of things I would usually have.
  3. I added a lot of new feeds, which meant there was a lot more to contend with as well.

But I did, occasionally, stumble upon other stuff too.

So, for your delectation and edification, here is a digest of things that caught my eye for various reasons ¹ along the way:

I’ve no idea why this one won’t resolve to an image and first couple of lines like the others, but the link works nevertheless.


¹ I found them interesting/(thought)provoking/amusing/otherwise engaging.

Where Angels Fear
Where Angels Fear

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