Quote Of The Day
“… except for you that is. Because you suck. When Time finally comes to an end and the Universe does the biggest data crunch in the history of History itself … when all the figures are in and the numbers tallied … it will prove to be the case that you … yes, you … sucked more than everyone and everything else everywhere in the entire Universe for all Time all added together — the ultimate counter-argument to the principle that Nature abhors a vacuum, if only I could find a woman who sucked like you, I’d be the happiest male being that will ever have lived in the entire history of everything everywhere … that’s how much you suck.”
— Me, earlier, in response to the suckiest comment I have seen since the last one that made me want to reach through their computer display and pound someone’s face into a bloody pulp on their keyboard ¹.
¹ Or ‘yesterday’ to you.