Ordered Sandman’s volumes 1 & 2
Oh, dear God … of all the Gaiman in all of the World, you had to pick the most overhyped, overrated, populist stuff possible — why am I not surprised?
American Gods series was on Netflix not so long ago… I may look for it (why read a book when you can watch the tv series? 😜)
Because, good though the series may be, it is (apparently) as typically divergent from the book as every other US remake of everything else they complerely fail to grasp in the slightest.
Watch the Tank Girl movie, for the best example you will ever see of how to completely fail to understand absolutely anything at all about every single aspect of the source material: I mean, the World is in trouble … and Tank Girl gives a shit— you lost me before the starting credits even began to roll never mind after seeing Petty’s utterly appalling misinterpretation of everything Tank Girl was, is or ever shall be (the director was probably to blame, tbh). They completely missed the point of Skins, got Misfits utterly wrong, might as well have written completely different plots to both Forbrydelsen and Bron/Broen (oh, wait) … They even managed to screw up The Office and … given that was irredeemably shit from the very first second of the very first episode of the very first of the original series (and just went downhill from there ⁶) … that takes some doing, let me tell you … If you gave them Green Wing to play with, they’d turn it into a drama, Mac would live happily ever after with Holly and Mackenzie and Caroline would have heart-to-hearts with Angela about deus ex machina boyfriends.
I shall, nevertheless, make a point of watching it — Aura said that it was good, despite diverging from canon … and although, for some inexplicable reason (PTSD resulting from childhood trauma, probably), she’s into anime, she tends to have pretty good taste/judgement (in this sphere at least anyway), so, I’m prepared to give it a chance ¹.
I’m not a fan of horror specifically… will see about Barker’s stuff… I may read his stuff if he’s left handed too :)
No … which is why I made the point that you should avoid the Horror stuff … (you did read what I wrote and not what you made up in your head, on a flight of fancy that took off immediately after the word ‘Horror’ and never landed again, right? ⁵ ) … and go for the Dark Fantasy/YA books … *sigh*
¹ If it’s as relatively good as Preacher … or (bizarrely ²) the two Dirk Gently adaptations … then I won’t ridicule her mercilessly nor be obliged to take out full page adverts in every major newspaper, periodical and magazine … and lease billboards in every major city … in the World, with her photo and OLP details, telling people she has absolutely zero judgement and that her advice is not simply worthless but actively harmful.
² Because it bears absolutely zero relationship to the original material and is to Dirk Gently, what the (Sunday) Sport is to journalism ³.
³ I’d take Viz comic at face value before I did the Sport ⁴.
⁴ Which is to say that it’s an absolutely magnificent satirical publication
… but not a newspaper by any stretch of the imagination.
⁵ I mean … Eeyore had a point when he said of ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ you that
“No brain at all, ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ Carmen, only grey fluff that’s blown into ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ her head ̶s̶̶ by mistake, and ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ she ̶d̶o̶n̶’̶t̶ doesn’t Think.”
… so I don’t take for granted that anything you say isn’t completely hatstand.
⁶ Seriously … even The IT Crowd had a joke in it once.