Now that I've re-read this article with a more critical eye, I notice that you do not mention the number one reason why people drive on the right: inherent inferiority.
Remember, folks: if it isn't British ¹, it's wrong!
This might be due to inbreeding everywhere else … foreigners do have filthy habits after all … but it’s probably more fundamental than that. Which came first … the incest or the imbecility? It’s a bit of a vicious circle, really — after all, no-one in their right mind sleeps with their own kin in the first place, but hundreds-to-thousands of years later and the rest of you just aren’t in a good place to start with, no matter how you try to ameliorate the situation.
However, I suggest a good place to start would be driving on the left.
It might not help, but it can’t hurt.
Although it might do to start with, whilst people get accustomed to it … so, I dunno, you might want signs … and/or bumper stickers … to remind people — something along the lines of “Don’t f**k your sister, drive on the left” (or something).
P.S. I accidentally held my finger on the applause button for 90 seconds, whilst it counted up to 50 claps. But, as I suggested, in retrospect, I’m not sure the article warranted 50 — more like 35, maybe (it wasn’t British, but it was very informative otherwise).
So, I’d like a refund.
¹ Meaning Geography (the British Isles), not politics (halfwit imbeciles who are, unfathomably, proud of an accident of birth) … so, including the Irish as well (they’re right too).