Note To Self
You started out as a decidedly underground DJ and. therefore, probably don’t need to elaborate upon precisely how you came to acquire a thirty-year … international, no less … reputation (that actually precedes you) for being up there with Keith Richards and Mark ‘Bez’ Berry in the ‘How Is This Man Even Still Alive, Never Mind Not A Drooling Vegetable!?’ stakes.
So, the fact that, in the last five years, you’ve drunk alcohol on no more than ten-to-twenty occasions at the absolute outside and that, in the last eighteen months, you’ve only drunk on three occasions (including this evening) … and that this evening was, therefore, only your ninth beer in approaching two years … will be as much of a surprise to quite literally the rest of the World as it is to you yourself.
Nevertheless …
CHECK GLASS FOR SPIDERS BEFORE POURING BEER is still an incontrovertible law of the Multiverse, you numpty … … … Jesus!
Moreover, having given up smoking three years ago, the decision that an expensive cigar would make the perfect accompaniment was, in retrospect, a trifle fanciful, don’t you think? ¹
And pizza!?
Futurama has much to answer for! ²