Non sequiturs always make me eat lampshades.
The possibility that teleportation ... a physical/informational process ... might be possible says nothing about the existence, or otherwise, of a non-corporeal soul.
It does not preclude the possibility of a soul.
It does not preclude the possibility that the soul is a form of information that can be transmitted along with everything else.
It does not preclude the possibility that it is an emergent property of our physical/informational existence and, whilst a genuinely seperate phenomenon, ceases to exists when our bodies die (and informational structure/content dissipates) - just as an extradimensional sentience that arises as a function of my calculating an equation/function ceases to exist when I stop calculating.
If there is a soul then we have not yet found it or any evidence of it and cannot, therefore, make any predictions about it - any such speculation is, at best, facile.