No, they want us to go to Work ... and to the shops ... and pubs/bars, restaurants, etc.
But they don't want to take any responsibility for the decision to tell we have to do so.
So, they're trying to tell us that we have to go out and jumpstart the Economy, because there's no magic money tree ... not like there is for ferry companies with no track record of running ferries ... or any actual ferries .. or a proper website that isn't simply a pizza delivery firm's website copied and pasted wholesale (to the extent that the pages are actual screenshots, not copies of pages with working scripts and menus and stuff) ..
So, we need to cram ourselves into public transport, and pubs and bars and restaurants and supermarkets and shopping centres ...
But, if things go wrong and there's a second wave, it's our fault for not being vigilant enough
So, we should only not stay at home if we've got jobs to go to and/or want to avail ourslevs of the £10 off food at pubs/bars/restaurants/MacDonalds/KFC/wherever
But, otherwise we should definitely consider staying at home, yes, whilst we either work from home or look for work from home that we might leave home to do (if we find any in a rising unemployment situation) or not, if it doesn't mean we have to.
It's not in the least confused or confusing and I fail to see what people are making a fuss about - it's perfectly clear: we really should start getting out and about now ... but we should stay home, if we don't have to (simples)
See …
Go to work but stay home, so your pets don’t get lonely — what could be clearer than that?