
Newspeak is not the alpha and omega of our concerns ... read his treatise9s) on the impoverishment of language, not just 1984.

We cannot dream of things for which we have no name, no — you can't dream of the colour created by adding white to blue in the same way pink is the product of adding white to red ... and you never will, because you have no word for the colour sky blue pink.

Language is acquired, not in our DNA.

kurt is a poet ... and you can;t trust poets with language: they're charlatans and tricksters ... enjoining you to close your eyes and squint at it a bit to see the picture ... impressionists, spinning fairy gold from the ether of gullibility and weaving clothes fit for Emperors that only the mind's eye can see — appealing to him won't save your cause.



Where Angels Fear
Where Angels Fear

Written by Where Angels Fear

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.

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