Never really read her — Maybe ‘Orient Express’, but that’d be it … and I can’t really be sure I’ve read it so much as saw the film when I was a kid.
I’m not sure that kind of thing is really what I’m into, but neither can I be sure it isn’t:
I like a few Nordic/Scandi Noir (got the first series of The Bridge, first two series of The Killing, first series of Wallander and on the lookout for Beck) … always enjoyed Morse if it was on (although I didn’t go out of my way to watch it) … and then there’s the guilty pleasure of NCIS (of which I thoroughly disapprove, but it’s so well produced and, above all, acted that you can’t help but get sucked in).
I don’t really watch TV though: it’s been around eighteen months since I last saw anything on T.V. — since 2001, it‘s only been when other people were watching it that I’ve seen any TV.
Filmwise, it’s hard to say … but I don’t think I’ve really got anything like that — there are the two Robert Downey Jr / Jude Law Sherlock Holmes films, but my collection is really either brain-off-the-hook action/action-comedy (Arnie, Willis et al), Thriller/Heist (Bourne, The Usual Suspects, Mission Impossible, etc.), eclectic/weird (Jarmusch, Jeunet/Caro, Kaurismäki, and the like), horror/comedy-horror (Evil Dead, Bubbahotep), various SF from Brazil to Defiance by way of the first couple of Star Wars, Red Dwarf and everything in between, or random odds and sods (Brassed Off, Full Monty, Trainspotting, Being John Malkovitch, Pirates of the Caribbean, Repo Man, Repo Men, Twin Peaks, a series or two of The X Files … the stuff you pick up as the years go by)
Bookwise, I like Ian Rankin’s Rebus stories enough to have read all of them.
I like Carl Hiaasen … even a handful of John Grisham.
I love Christopher Brookmyre.
But, again, like the films, my collection is pretty eclectic really and, when it’s not Pratchett or SF, more likely to be something like the above or else Barker, Fowler, Gaiman, et al.
I don’t really seem to go in for whodunnit mysteries/crime stuff really — least of all Christie.