Many, yes … and compassion is, I believe, the greatest of human virtues.
But …
Those with ‘Cluster B’ personality disorders are all but irredeemably the way they are — and I only say ‘all but’ because I must, logically, do so because it is not their fault that they were born/made that way … and also because we may yet, one day, find a cure for them (or rather for ourselves), so we should strive for that rather than simply taking the easy way out of our predicament.
So, I cannot, unfortunately feel any more compassion for them than to accept we cannot simply decide we will eliminate them from our midst by way of execution ¹ and can only, therefore, lock them up for life instead.
Compassion, I have … but no empathy or sympathy for their ilk — they have no conscience, feel no remorse and, to them, another’s tears are, at best, merely water … at worst something in which they take delight.
¹ Although, in fact, ‘execution’ is not really the proper term when it comes to them, I feel: it would no more be execution than it is when we put down an incurably rabid animal, but rather a necessary evil resulting from their untreatable condition — when a doctor prescribes medicine to cure a viral or bacterial infection, they are not executing the virus/bacteria, but simply annihilating it/them in order to preserve their patient’s life.