Looked at he top — nothing to see there.
Went to the publication 'home' — no change.
Looked for a pinned entry, containing the submission guidelines — found nothing.
Hit [PageDown] around thirty times, on the offchance they were at the bottom, and gave up, because the bottom of the page never came.
Finally, I reset my browser's zoom level and the [Submit] link hove into view.
You might want to reconsider where that link appears on the page — high zoom level pushes things on the right out of sight ... and many people won't think to re-zoom on the offchance,
Also, the submission guidelines use up a story; which is not an issue for subscribers/members, but anyone who has a free account and uses up their allowance of three before thinking about submitting something themselves isn't guaranteed to still be interested a month later, never mind remember that they need to keep one story free in order to read the submission guidelines — you might like to reconsider your insider appreciation of how clear things are to those who aren't insiders.
Won’t be doing anything on FB under any circumstances … nor ever mailing anyone at Gmail either: I don’t want Google knowing who I am on Medium any more than I do FB — and, increasingly, I won’t be the only one with those concerns ¹.
So, you might like to consider a way to get in touch without leaving Medium. Nobody should need to — it’s poor UX design to require people to leave your ‘site’ in order to interact with you and the 1990s would like their styleguide back 😜
¹ Just look at the recent exodus (by the privacy unconcerned masses with nothing to hide/fear, no less) from WhatsApp over an announcement that the practices re privacy aren’t changing in any way, just being formally (re)announced.