So if they are emotionally mature and healthy people, why should a love/affection declaration procure them such distress? I’m not talking about trespassing physical boundaries or stalking someone who has rejected you or is clearly not interested, etc…
It shouldn't, but they probably aren't saying to the likes of you, so, really, you shouldn't feel spoken to ... no more than the #NotAllMen idiots who are so vain they think #MeToo is about them.
It's for those who don't realise that "no" isn't an enticement to try even harder to convince the object of their desire to say "yes" ... or even that the first thing they should do is stop and think about whether the person for whom they wish to declare undying passion has, in any way, ever given them reason to suspect their advances might be not be unwelcome.
If they have a partner already, don't tell them of your feelings ... if they've recently broken up, don't tell them of your feelings ... if all the signs are that they like you as a friend but no more, don't tell them of your feeling — in short, stop being a narcissist and pay attention to them rather than yourself, before you go charging into things, like a bull in a china-shop.
To quote at least a hundred songs…you should listen to your heart…it knows best :)
I've always listened to my heart, ignored my head ... and my heart got broken as a result.
I should've listened to my head instead ... it always knew the score.
Or maybe it was the other way around and my heart knew the score but I overruled it with my head?
Dunno, but the heart only knows what it wants … not what’s best.