It could.
Other than myself, I don’t think there’s anyone more able … nor, more significantly, more willing … to go into the disturbing detail in the necessarily sufficiently excruciating manner ¹.
Unlike myself, however, if you were to get banned from Medium for doing so, whilst a distinct loss, that goes without saying, it wouldn’t be as tragic as if, say, I were to be.
So, you should do it.
¹ John Tinney maybe, but he seems to have got religion or something recently and turned all happy clappy, so, I dunno. I mean maybe the sick bastard has realised that he can disturb even more people with even less effort that way, but I’m not sure it’s worth risking inviting him around for some shots of whiskey ² and an armful of skag, if he’s gonna turn up and (pretend?) to be a Jehovah’s Witness or probationary Mormon missionary.
² Or whisky, in his (cheap and nasty) case.