Tricky. It’s a high risk-high reward gamble, for sure.
Indeed ... which is why I've spent decades working out the angles — kept finding flaws and refining the approach.
I'm pretty confident that I've got it down now though.
The biggest negative is that you can't die — but then you can always wish away the causes of your misery … so that's that one covered.
Or you could potentially wish that a power greater than Lucy unravel the deal on your behalf in such a way as to circumvent that negative without introducing any others — you can wish for anything, you see ... even to go to Heaven.
One of the reasons I just had to work in the “dance with the devil in the moonlight” line someway [sic].
When you dance with the Devil, the Devil doesn't change: the Devil changes you.
Last I heard it’s still 666 but if you can’t reach her there, try 616.
Oh, good.
But the problem is that, whilst I was already aware of the extension(s) to call, I don't have her actual number.
Yeah, I bet you would.
I like my partner to be my equal, yes 😀 😉
But I’ve honestly not heard this genre referred to as “The Devil’s Music”. That honor seems to go to rock and metal?—?the electric guitar — and before that the Devil played the fiddle. I put in primal drums to suggest a “before that” to the fiddle because I am sure claiming certain music to be the Devil’s music is as old as music itself.
Go here, hit CTRL+F and search for Elijah Mee, PhD.
Then keep reading.