In which regard, it has to be observed, that Trump is America in a nutshell and, tbh, the real surprise is not that you elected him, but how long it took you all to elect your ‘everyman’ head of state — Trump is America.
You can vote him out if you like, but, until you get tough on not just Trump himself but tough on the causes of Trump then it’s just a matter of time until you elect him again … and again … and again … and again … and, sure, he might have a different name each time, and he might be a woman one of those times, maybe even non-white … but he’ll still be Unchanged States of America.
One advantage to your circumstances is that … unlike here in the UK, where you can’t tell whether a person voted in favour of Brexit just by looking at them … you don’t need to identify Trump voters and then oblige them to wear a yellow star (or whatever), because they self-identify with red MAGA hats. So, it’ll be easier to get tough on the causes of Trump than on the causes of Brexit.