If there’s one thing the porn industry is good at, it’s subverting titles: everything from Schindler’s Fist to Shaving Ryan’s Privates, by way of Diddle Her On The Roof and Dragula, Queen of the Vampires.
Now, whilst I become aware of these things during my sojourns to the World Wide Weird, I don’t go looking for them — there’s no way I’d learn about the films you review, because I don’t look for stuff, it just finds me.
One thing I did look for though … because I wanted to test a theory re titles … was Stargate porn: it just seemed to me that there had to have been someone who made one that was a ‘behind the scenes documentary’ called Tapping Amanda — it’s just too good an opportunity to pass up, right?
But I haven’t been able to find anything … not even Stargate porn, let alone with that specific title.
Did I just look in the wrong places or is it really the case that nobody but me has spotted the obvious pun?