I was born with a sponge for a brain ... brought up in an very extended family of highly intelligent and knowledgeable people who all had multiple strings (practical, academic, professional/vocational, creative and physical [sports/dance/whatever]) to their many bows ... all of whom encouraged exploration of as many different things as caught their interest both explicitly and implicitly by doing so themselves and setting an example of 'normal' for me.
A normal breakfasttime for me as a child was simultaneously discussing Philosophy with my mother, History with my father, Politics with my grandmother and whatever happened to be on the agenda with anyone else who happened to be around at the time (aunts, uncles, cousins, friends of the family) — you have to have a good memory to hold onto all the different information and access it all at any moment to keep up under those circumstances (especially as everyone else around you has, can and does) ☺️
Also ... ignorance was acceptable once, but not a second time — I'd been told, so I had no excuse for not knowing it later.