I have an unfair advantage in that I'm a psychologist, so I know about these things ☺️
The Spike ... https://medium.com/the-spike ... is a good place to go for accessible articles that provide the layperson with sufficient extra knowledge to escape the misinformation/disinformation of 'pop' Psychology — I've had occasion to point many people towards that particular article.
I'm no sure how up-to-date the A-Z guide is, but I've found it useful to look there in preference to the 'front page' in the Past at least.
The biggest favours anyone can do themselves in Life are to learn about
1. how the brain works
2. 'Cluster B; personality disorders
3. how computers and related technology work.
4. why so-called 'A.I.' is far from being what is claimed of it.
I had the good fortune to be pointed in the direction of AI and the cognitive sciences in 1989 ... and the good sense to decide to pursue them as studies (Psychology, Education, Computer Science) in 1990 ... as a result of which I am sufficiently knowledgeable to look at the World of today and discern what is actually going on in it, how and why ... in a way I would not be, had I chosen to pursue other things instead — if I could, I'd make them compulsory subjects in schools.