I Hate It Here
What is wrong with people, eh … why can’t they just be nice to each other?
It’s not difficult and it makes so much more sense than not being so: if you treat people kindly, they like you and want to be nice to you in return— so even if you’re an out and out bastard, it still makes more sense to treat others well, because it makes your life easier.
Being honest is easier too, because you don’t have to remember what lies you told, to whom and remember all the details — It’s just less effort.
But there’s no hope, it seems; a new basket-case, fuckwit, arsehole or outright psychopath born every minute … who’ll ruin lives and the World around them for seventy years or more.
And they make others in their own image as they go through Life.
I can’t even say that I feel any empathy, let alone sympathy, for their victims either; you can’t help them any more than you can the vicious bastard who made them what they are — like an animal in pain, all they do is attack you when you try … taking it out on others in their turn … becoming abusers themselves … their own legacy of the broken and damaged no better than that of their tormentors … so that the ones who corrupted them live on after their deaths … attaining a sick and sickening immortality denied the rest of us.
And that’s as true of myself as it is of anyone else; I’m done with the Nietzschian conflict twixt the Apollonian and Dionysian … with the nemesis of the hamartia — I don’t find my own life story so much as even pitiable … just banally inevitable.
God, if He exists, must surely be the rag-and-bone-man of the Universe … His twisted refrain echoing down the streets and alleyways of Eternity:
“Any old irony!”
I’d say “you can all rot in Hell for all I care”, but you already are doing … right here with me … surrounded by fools who refuse to be nihilistic about it all, refuse to learn the lessons of History and … hubristically insisting that the same behaviour repeated in the same order will produce a different result this time because it’s they who are doing it … achieve no more than any of the infinitely greater historical figures who have gone before them — if anything they’re worse than those who do nothing to make the World better, because they do nothing better but insist we all praise them for it because, hey, at least they tried, eh … at least they didn’t listen to anyone but kept on trying the same old things over and over to no avail.
I wish I were alone on this planet sometimes … really I do; even the cockroaches are better company in the long run — at least they keep the place clean.
You see this …
Well, in the same vein …
Follow Antidotes for Chimps’ advice and kill the the World with kindness, you morons!
If you don’t then there’s nothing else for it but my tough love approach
I suggest you think carefully before deciding upon your (or my ¹) preferred course of action.
¹ I wonder … can you guess which one that might be?