I do appreciate the listing, even tough I had been following Frog Leap for some years
I figured you might well have but, as it was brought to my attention by a friend who knows me well enough not to waste my time, so, if he had only recently discovered it, there was a possibility you hadn’t either (it’s comedy Metal, after all, so not necessarily something you’ve paid a lot of attention to (rather than Metal comedy, which I already know you appreciate)) … and if, furthermore, he was inclined to bring it to my attention despite knowing my feelings (or rather lack thereof) re Metal to begin with, I figured it was probably worth the risk of bringing it to your attention unnecessarily, just in case, because it was (is?) something special.
Also, you would, I imagine, favour different tracks to me — you’ll find comedy covers of Metal tracks amusing, because you get the jokes I will inevitably miss because, to me, they’re not funny (a Metal cover of AC/DC … themselves a Metal band? What?), but not necessarily pick up on something like a Metal cover of Madness (who were a consummately London, never mind British, Pop/Ska band). So, I figured the selection itself might have some value, even if the phenomenon itself were nothing new.
in a “metal makes everything better” sort of way.
Yes, I’m sure it does … (Aren’t you sweet? [*pats her head in a not at all condescending manner, honest*]).
Thought I would return the favor, even though I think you already heard it,
No, but it was amusing .. thanks 😀
Please tell me you’ve seen this (I’d be bitterly disappointed to learn you hadn’t):
If you haven’t, you only have until the end of December this year to do so — after that Flash will no longer be supported by any browser and that’ll be it … gone forever … so watch it now, whilst you still can (I haven’t managed to track it down anywhere else or in any other format in all the years I’ve tried to do so)
but just in case you’ve snubbed the whole tick-tock e-girl/e-boy trend for the trash it is.
I am aware of the phenomenon of Tik-Tok, yes … but I’ve paid no more attention to it than I did to Vine, because I’m not a thirteen-tear-old valleygirl and don’t need to be told who to be by people seeking to ‘influence’ goldfish with ADHD — I’m an underground DJ … I don’t get influenced by Karens, I influence the avant garde crowd on the bleeding edge 😉
So … what are these e-girls/e-boys of which you speak?
Among Us streams
Explain, please.