I already do that (and you know it)
I do … and I wasn’t being serious (and you know it 😜)
The book is something else.
And there’s also a paperback version that I can hold in my hands and give to others who don’t read in Medium, or in any digital device, or who won’t read my poems at all and will leave my book in a bookcase or at the bottom of a drawer, or …
If you get it published, what you should do is pay for a few extra copies and then go into bookshops and do reverse shoplifting: browse some poetry books and then, when no-one’s looking and the CCTV isn’t on you, as you put one of them back on the shelf, slip a copy of yours on there with it — then, either someone will try to buy it and, when it doesn’t show on the system it’ll draw even more attention … or, when they’re doing a stocktake at some stage, it won’t be on the system and will, therefore, draw attention to itself.
It’s not free publicity, but it’s publicity nevertheless.