Heh ... I am, yes 😉
But there's nothing romantic about the criminal underworld, trust me; it isn’t populated by tarts with hearts of gold or hostages to misfortune with the souls of poets — it's seedy at best, nasty and brutish the rest of the time … and inhabited by psychopaths/sociopaths and the otherwise unscrupulous for whom another’s tears are merely water ¹.
¹ They (or at least Ronald) say “write what you know,” so …
… I’ll leave as an exercise for your imagination what (other) kinds of things I might’ve been witness to in my time; but it hasn’t all been princesses, wealthy emigrées, international diplomats, Nobel Peace Prize winners and humanitarian missions delivering aid to failed states — and, frankly, the extralegal were amongst the least disturbing (those who have carte blanche to legally act as they like without fear of repercussion know no restraint):