Heavy Metal Vaccine
You can laugh at the QAnon/5G Antivaxx loons all you like ¹ but, what if they’re onto something?
What if, implanting us all with these chips will mean we too can’t hear the Mid any more? That’s the range the human voice occupies! What, if it’s a plot to rebalance our hearing, so that we can hear more of the Bass and High — who knows what subliminal messages we might be able to hear then? ²
Or what if it’s just to make it so we won’t be able to hear each other speak any more? Then we won’t be able to organise against the NWO! Or The Great Reset. Or something ⁴.
Hang on though, wait a minute … you all talk shite anyway … so, frankly, I can see an upside to that.
Whatever … so long as it doesn’t mean everyone starts listening to Metal, I’ll be happy. And if it means that I can’t hear it whenever it is played, all the better. Either way … the cure for Heavy metal? Bring it on … vaxx me!
Now this … this is a spoon …
¹ I certainly do — they’re the best thing that’s happened all year 😂
² What was that story about the kids all getting subliminal messages in music and being programmed to kill people … was it a Misfits or Black Mirror episode? Something else? ³
³ Either my memory’s getting worse or I’ve just seen too much other stuff in the meantime — I can see, in my mind’s eye, a kid on a coach with earphones in, as clear as day, but can’t for the life of me remember what it was called *sigh*
⁴ I dunno, I’ve lost track of what the whackjob nutcase loons are jabbering about these days (mole children or somesuch, the last time I looked) … all I know is they really don’t like pizza (perhaps it had pineapple on it).