Having been, in my time, a professional musician, as you would understand it (i.e. I played an instrument) .... a professional singer ... a professional DJ ... and, more recently, a producer (i.e. composer) of electronic music with a computer
... I have to say that this is, typically, the usual claptrap one hears peddled by musos (who are not actually musicians, just music theory groupies).
If this is what you think music is, or musicians are, it's because you understand neither — real musicians recognise that music is everywhere and can be created anyhow ... because it it is not subject to the limitations imposed upon it by anyone but the creator (however that may be) and the listener.
Enjoy whatever you like and good luck to you, but don't try to impose your limited vision upon others — if you're lucky, you'll simply be laughed at by people more successful than you could ever even hope to be ... at worst, you'll put someone off music altogether by discouraging them from exploring avenues they now believe to be illegitimate.