Happy! Goes To Sin City

A magical mystery tour of Wonderland

… at night

… in the back of an empty, brokendown bus

… in a deserted part of the wrong side of town

… whilst you peak on the bad acid

… you were roofied with

… by the clown-suited paedophile molesting you in the corner seat

… as his freakshow-reject accomplice livestreams your Fear and Loathing in Interzone to Videodrome.

I’m working on something.

But, appearances notwithstanding, it’s not actually a heartwarming tale of homeless orphans living happily ever after.

After that gentle introduction … things take a turn for the dark ¹.

¹ Imagine Oliver “Shiny” Blakemore and John Tinney were to co-author the biography of SouthpawPoet ².

² Yeah … that dark …


Where Angels Fear

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live and too rare to die.