So, what with one thing and another, the situation has been … let’s just say ‘difficult’ … for a while now.
One thing has been the wifi dead-zone that exists anywhere in my home that is south of the room in which I am writing this — basically every room other than this one and the one above it.
Why that is the case is a long, and ultimately distressing, tale that I do not wish to detail here ¹; suffice it to say that I never did find out why all but two rooms in my home appear to be acting as a Faraday cage and gave up trying to get to the bottom of it years ago … living, instead, in two rooms and only venturing anywhere but the kitchen and bathroom on special occasions, when the presence of family would necessitate it (Christmas, funerals, etc.). Oh, alright, I’m exaggerating a bit, for effect … but only a bit — there really is no need to make use of more than one bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom and the room with the wifi in it …
… I don’t actually need a mansion.
However, recently, a friend turned up with an enterprise level wifi extension AP ² — all I needed to do was connect it to the router with a LAN cable and, hey presto, wifi everywhere!
Unfortunately, I didn’t have a LAN cable long enough to reach more than the other side of this room and so my putative extension could not extend its reach beyond it.
So, my friend arranged to acquire me a 20m LAN cable suitable for use with the extender/AP ⁴.
It arrived today.
What was my response?
It was:
You got a white cable?
What am I supposed to do with 20m of white LAN cable!?
It doesn’t match the carpet!”
It must be fantastic being my friend.
¹ It’s best if you don’t ask me about the beetroot wraps, the apricot jam and coffee either — some things are better left unexplored (even by the likes of Aura).
² Never mind where it came from — that’s not relevant ³.
³ No more relevant than where the █████████ came from … or the ██████████████ … the ███████ … or any of that stuff.
⁴ What did I say? That’s right … I said it didn’t matter where it came from, didn’t I? So, stop asking questions that will only result in unpleasantness ⁵.
⁵ And not for me, either.