Almost sounds like the description of a medical adjacent field, doesn’t it? What was that again, headology? No they use Latin in those things don’t they? Must be psychology.
Good observation.
But that’s ‘Psychology’ with an uppercase (or ‘capital’) ‘P’, thankyou very much.
‘headology’ should have a capital but, it being what it is, practitioners of headology would have no truck with putting on airs and graces, or any of that nonsense … so, ‘headology’ it shall remain, I think.
You know, had I not know that sort of drivel would bore you out of your mind to the point you would start investigating 101 creative ways of destroying paper, I’d say you picked up the art of the backhanded compliment in one of those pick-up artist’s books.
I should think not — I don’t need any help from anyone else to be a pathetic nasty piece of work only the extremely vulnerable, or the blind drunk (or otherwise mentally incapacitated) would contemplate sleeping with!
I dispute the whole concept of ‘incel’ anyway; there’s nothing involuntary about it — all they have to do is stop being wankers and the problem will solve itself.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
And I’m sure it’s not too far off the mark.
It’s not. You are that good.
It’s hard to passionately observe the human race when large swatches of it simply leave you dumbfounded and aghast.
Hmmmmm … yes and no, I feel.
On the one hand, yes, it’s hard to feel anything other than nihilistically despondent (if not outright cynical).
But, on the other, they do make me very angry — so, clearly, I feel passionately about them.
Sociopath? Maybe. I’m sure if I said the right thing at the right time to the right people I could get that diagnosed.
I would say “couldn’t we all?” but I think it would take a particular type of person to be able to pull it off, if they weren’t … a consummate actor — the tests for it are carefully designed such that only the irredeemably mentally enfeebled would be incapable of spotting what answers they were supposed to give in order to avoid detection … so, those who, like you or me … well, me anyway … are simply saying something off the cuff would be weeded out by follow-up questioning. And who in their right mind would try to get themselves diagnosed with it in the first place anyway!?
But hey, you’re the expert, you tell me, would you be able to tell the sane person apart from the inmates in the mental hospital? Because Rosenhan suggests you can’t. (link for anyone stumbling over this exchange)
In all but the most extreme cases, it is exceptionally difficult to determine whether someone has ASPD at all, rather than is simply a nasty piece of work … let alone whether they have ASPD specifically, some other Cluster ‘B’ disorder or ASPD co-morbid with some other disorder … without long exposure to them; the kind of exposure that can lead to a personal relationship with them that blinds us to who they really are — they are, all too often, peerless actors and even when we’re aware of that it can still be difficult to determine whether someone’s seemingly genuine behaviour is an act or actually genuine without questioning whether we, ourselves, aren’t, perhaps, the ones with something wrong with us (are we too cynical? too distrustful?) and thus, ironically, gaslighting ourselves on their behalf. Moreover, we can find ourselves reappraising behaviour consistent with one of the disorders because, suddenly, something makes us think “No, it’s not ‘simple’ Borderline Personality Disorder after all, but co-morbid with ASPD! How could I have missed the signs!?”
The thing is though that, once we have seen through them, what they really are is so blindingly obvious that we really do question our own sanity.
But … whilst it can take time to determine whether someone is an actual psychopath/sociopath rather than, say, aspergic/autistic and, hence, not particularly inclined to be terribly observant of the social niceties, brutally forthright, seemingly uncaring of the feelings of others … or schizoid, a bit aloof, standoffish, seemingly indifferent to others … the former do display obvious tells and, when you know what to look for, whilst it might still take time for the switch in your head to flick on and the lightbulb to illuminate the matter, it will eventually do so¹.
So, yes, I’m pretty sure I could do it … it might just take a little time is all.
Speaking of couches, did you need to have a lie down after penning this bit of fanfiction? That’s quite a kink you got there, one bordering on unethical I must say.
Now, now … we both know I get my kicks in ways that are slightly … let’s say off the beaten track as it were … but that doesn’t make me a pervert. The fact that you’re a sapiosexual, degenerate pervert and weird ideas therefore get you all hot and bothered doesn’t mean you should assume that what turns you on has the same effect on me; as you know, I’m more likely to get a visceral (not sexual) thrill from acts of brutality/violence than I am to get my turgid jollies from thoughts of sadistic cruelty or of controlling/oppressing others. For all that I know it’s only a joke, at the same time there is an element of the serious when you propose that I’m a dom in denial … but I’m not actually — I’m turned on by the idea of an equal, not a subordinate … a challenge, not a pushover (if I want to punch someone, it’s precisely because they’re not a punchbag that I’ll get a rush from it).
But then transgression are often eroticized, so I’m not too worried for your license, doctor.
Hmmmmm … do I detect the hint of a wistful desire to roleplay there? 😉
¹ Watch this. At what point does it become apparent that Wayne is faking it — what tips you off and why?