Given the very Zen-like quality of Adams’ original proposition, it’s entirely possible, yes. What better way for the Universe to make it apparent that Spender was right in The Silver Locusts when he posited that the meaning of Life is Life itself and the search for deeper meaning itself meaningless than by having the ultimate question re the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything be “What is 6 x 7?”?
But, really I was just making reference to Adams’ humourous observation for its own sake whilst simultaneously using it as a shorthand for the observation that I suspect the answer to your question will be “What it has always been: some will seek to achieve something of ‘worth’ (by their own lights), some will sociopathically/narcissistically seek personal gratification, no matter the expense to anyone/anything else, most will muddle along somewhere between the two.”
My mother used to annoy me as a child, when I was bored by observing that “only boring people get bored,” because, as a self-absorbed child, it didn’t occur to me that my need for entertainment/attention/whatever might not be more important than what she were doing at the time. Later in Life, of course, I came to appreciate what she meant and cannot fathom the mindset of those for whom ‘Work’ is everything and, once they retire, descend into depression and early death — I have no trouble finding things with which to fill my time … in fact the problem is that there just isn’t enough time in the day to do all the things I would like to.
I suspect that this state of affairs will continue and people will find ways to fill their days in exactly the same ways they have until now … only faster an with a more sonorous ‘bing’.
Even in a world of limitless abundance, in which everything anyone could ever want is theirs for the taking, with no effort required, there will be people who want something they can’t have and are willing to take by force.
They’ll kidnap and/or rape the girl who says ‘no.’
They’ll take the present your loved one gave you and break it in front of your very eyes for the pleasure of hurting you.
They’ll publicly ostracise you, just to see you humiliated.
They’ll gossip about you behind your back and turn others against you.
They’ll connive and plot and lie and charm and fool others to gain influence and control just to get their own way, because they love wielding power over others for its own sake.
They’ll form gangs and clans and tribes and armies and attack you because “you’re not like us” … “you’re not from around here” … or you have something they want (like a nicer view from your window).
As Terry Pratchett observed … there will be ”people who performed silent miracles or desperate crimes every day behind the grubby windows of little houses.”
And there will always be something to strive for, some need to meet, some lack in our lives. So, what if we all have all our needs met and no need for more? I’ve still got more of <something> than you, so ner ner nerner ner, yah, boo, sucks to be you.
And then there’ll be those who strive to make the World a better place for their having been here … and those who make no impact either way and simply lead their lives as best they see fit.
People don’t change, their bodies get bigger, that’s all and when all our needs are met before we awaken in the morning … Maslow has drawn a bath, ironed our shirt, prepared our breakfast … and all we are obliged to do today is self-actualise (again) … we will do whatever we would have done centuries before — just faster and with a more sonorous ‘bing’.
“Remember we told you there was no future — well, this is it.
Right, next up … more of the same.”
— Blank Reg, Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future, 1985