So, that’s two nights in a row I’ve dreamt about animals being used as ‘suicide’ bombers.
You shouldn’t necessarily pay too much attention to the things that pass through my mind but, on the other hand, I’ve learned to ignore my subconscious at my peril.
Weird thought the shit is that it frequently comes up with, my subconscious has proven to be way ahead of the curve every time it’s done this kind of thing in the Past, so, I shall have to give the idea some thought — as the years have gone by, I’ve learned to listen a bit more to my gut, as it is often a lot more astute than my rational mind and where I have often dismissed it as unreasonable, painfully gained experience has taught me that I should have paused to listen to it instead of being so quick to condemn it as irrational.
It has this habit of telling me what the Future holds … or revealing some hidden aspect of the Present that presages a future revelation. And it’s always spot on and it pays to pay attention to it.
But it does it by way of converting phonemes to ASCII to binary to “oh”s and “won”’s to Morse to “dot”s and “dash”es to semaphore to smoke signals in a child’s picture on the side of the fridge and expects me to understand it and frankly, if it weren’t so good in bed, I’d get a divorce, because I can’t take it any more, will you just fucking talk to me!? <ahem>.
Trust your instincts and listen to the alarm bells: your subconscious works faster than your conscious mind and will pick up on things you are too distracted to notice consciously. It’s cleverer than you … quicker than you will ever be … way ahead of you — even leaving aside the ‘gut as a second brain’ concept … the general principle that our subconscious mind is perfectly rational doesn’t require us to have more than one brain and, albeit not under all conditions, I’m more than happy to ascribe it the power to make valid assessments … quicker even than our conscious mind on some occasions.
Unless we have some sort of psychological condition that means we should ignore ourselves on the grounds that we have a marked cognitive deficit ¹ … our subconscious quite often exhibits genius that our conscious minds are too clouded with thought to be capable of day-to-day. It processes things that are too fast for our conscious awareness to apprehend. It presents its observations and findings to us in dreams and as ‘instinct’, ‘gut feelings’ and hunches.
It’s not irrational, it just doesn’t speak our language and has to leave us pictures and videos and sound files and links to stuff — all in a foreign language with no explanation of what any of it is about. There’s a common theme running through them all, so … if you absolutely must find a ‘rational’ explanation for what it is telling you, rather than taking its word for it ² … look at the images, listen to the audio, watch the footage again and again, as often as you need to — all you need to know is there. Pay attention to it … it’s rational, not tree-hugging hippy crap … and remember this: every time it does it, your gut is saying the same thing to you over and over again: “I love you.” ³
Use your head and listen to your gut — unless you are a survivor of childhood trauma ⁴ … or demonstrably prone to negative thinking (you have Bipolar, Borderline, or similar disorder) … it has your own best interests at heart.
So … whilst it may not be time to tape up your cat’s butthole, just in case … it may not be as stupid an idea as it sounds (metaphorically speaking) — especially not if you live in Bochum, it would appear ⁵.
So, you know …
(just in case)
¹ Like the kind of person who becomes a stalker, for instance, whose belief in a ‘special’ relationship is based upon the fact that the object of their obsession didn’t spit in their face when turning down the request for a date — because they are incapable of appreciating that an absence of physical violence when saying ‘no’ does not mean ‘maybe, yes, if you pursue me’.
² Although … if you don’t trust your own word on matters, whose do you trust?
³ Of course it does … its own wellbeing depends upon your wellbeing — it’s you.
⁴ In which case you’re probably on a hair-trigger … still hiding from monsters who (‘literally’ as well as figuratively) come in the night … and should seek counseling to reduce the chances of your overreacting to your ‘triggers’ and misinterpreting people’s behaviour — don’t ignore your gut, but remember that … whilst being afraid of the dog that bit you is rational … being afraid of all dogs is not.
⁵ No, I have no idea what the significance is of Bochum, but it’s unusually specific and, therefore, probably worth paying attention to …