Brexshit Redux
A number of people have expressed a decided preference for being a British subject to being an EU citizen.
Being proud of one’s heritage and the positives that it has brought to the World is laudable, but …
I’m pretty sure it’s better to be a citizen of somewhere (even of the EU) … with equal rights and an equal say in how things are run … than it is to be someone’s chattel, with no more rights than any other livestock ¹.
If the thought of swapping servitude for freedom unnerves you, however, you might like to investigate BDSM/S&M as a babystep option; I imagine being held captive (in or out of your gimp suit) might provide the requisite sense of comfort and security … so often required to wean young children into maturity … necessary to help you take your place in the Universe as an adult — unlike the ruling classes, however, you will eventually have to master your toilet training, if you wish to successfully do so.
¹ “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep”, as (rather aptly), Mussolini said.