A longshot, perhaps, but ... Reddit?
I know it has a not unjustified rep for being a cesspit of hostility, shitposting and depravity ... but, based upon decades of experience now, I'd say that how much of it one encounters depends entirely upon the subreddits one frequents: if don't frequent those populated by trolls and other losers and you won't encounter it ... it's as simple as that; pretty much every subreddit I've ever perused has been perfectly free of such nonsense - fair enough, it may be down to where my personal interests lead me, but .... it proves that the degree to which one encounters it really depends upon oneself, rather than the site per se being just 4chan or 8chan/8kun by another name.
Dunno how much poetry/creative writing is on it, bu that's not why I go there, when I do, so ... explore and see for yourself.