A Land of Peculiar Purple Peril
(A Pre-emptive Review)
I may be going to have to read this
And this
Hence the ‘review’ being pre-emptive.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
I blame Aura … she pointed me in the direction of some stuff and the next thing I knew, I was footling around in internet archives, looking for things in the vein of Barker/Gaiman, when it occurred to me to wonder what else there might be like Moers’ Zamonia series and … now I have to get them and read them, in case they are.
I do wish Barker would hurry up and write the 4th and 5th books of Abarat though.
If anyone has a Twitter account, you might like to message him for me (or tag him in a tweet of your own at least):
Oi … Barker … Abarat.
You’re not getting any younger.
(And neither am I).
Finish it!
I really have been waiting more than long enough now and, in the meantime, I’ve completely forgotten what happened in the first three *sigh*