They're not series, but this particular writer is under Medium's partner program and as such his story is behind the paywall.
Well that’s just weird — how come I was even able to read it then?
More Medium redesign weirdness/incompetence., no doubt.
Hey ho … I got to give it applause though, so it’s not all bad.
Writing as a partner is his choice and not being a member is yours. There’s not a lot I can do about this situation.
That’s me told!
It’s 07:00 where you are and maybe your first coffee of the day hasn’t worked its magic on you yet, so, I’ll let that one slide (it’s not like I didn’t kinda invite it by being provocative), but you must surely know me well enough by now to recognise when I’m being provocative rather than serious, no?
No, my being only one of thousands of correspondents with whom you have to deal is not a mitigating factor: I’m unreasonably demanding and expect that fact to be taken into consideration by way of being unduly (even excessively) pandered to 😜
Also … you’re walking a very fine line with your ‘as such’ there; it isn’t a synonym for ‘therefore’ and can … under no circumstances ever, therefore … be used as such:
You just about get a benefit of the doubt from me this time because you could be syllogistically neglecting to elaborate on the fact that, as the author in question is “under Medium’s partner program”, they are, therefore, by definition, a member as such.
But I’d advise you not to stray even this far into grammatically murky waters in future — others may not give you that benefit of the doubt … nor can it be guaranteed that even I will be so inclined next time (I may be in a bit a of a bad mood in that moment 😝) ¹.
¹ You know how upset I can get about grammar: